Friday, November 23, 2012

Hard words to say

Friday, November 23, 2012

What is the hardest word for you to say?

Here's another NaBloPoMo prompt that makes me dust out the cobwebs cluttering my brain and actually THINK. I can't think of a word that stands alone, but might be able to come up with a phrase. Let me think.... ****fhoooffff*** still trying to blow out those dust bunnies.....

Ok, so here's a word that in itself really isn't hard to say, but when taken in context as a permanent thing is difficult: GOODBYE

Why is it difficult? Have you ever had to say goodbye to a dying loved one or pet? That is when it's hard to say goodbye. It's that gut-wrenching, sickening finality with which one is forced to say that word through the tears while at the same time knowing that the person or pet is in severe pain and is passing on to a better place that makes it so difficult. Goodbye.... No don't go yet.... I love you... I'll miss you... Don't go yet... How will I live without you?..... I love you so much...... It's okay to go now.... Goodbye.......

In loving memory of Charmin and Tucker who will always be in my heart...

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  1. Oh my WORD. I saw what your hardest word to say was and my throat instantly closed up. I have been there... I know that pain. :( You wrote this beautifully!

    1. Thank you Katherine. It's always tough to write about thing that bring back painful memories.

  2. It's not's just...for now -

    Great post - it is something we have to do for them - one last demonstration of our love for them -

    I always say they leave a piece of themselves here with us AND they take some of us to the others waiting - a reminder that one day...

    1. You are so right about them leaving a piece of them with us! We've got eight dogs living with us now and as each one passes we'll find bits of them floating around in our memory banks too!


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