The other day I noticed the corn on our squirrel feeders was disappearing. Not being eaten, mind you, but whole cobs were disappearing! Hmmm, is there a corn cob thief in the neighborhood? Nope, there's a smart squirrel getting ready for winter! I watched as she struggled to get a cob off the feeder, settling for only half as it broke in two pieces. When she disappeared from view I grabbed my trusty iPad and headed outside to track her down. Below is a collage of some of the things I found, including a huge nest up in the Pin Oak behind the house with our friend the squirrel laying on the branch trying to be so flat that she nearly disappeared in to the wood. You might need to click on the picture and zoom in a bit to see her inside the orange circle.
Witnessing this future mother's preparation for winter reminded me of some of the things we do around here. The most visible are the changing decorations that go from Halloween to Thanksgiving and as of today, Christmas. We now have beautiful lights out front and in the windows thanks to the other three residents of this home. I stayed inside where it was warm and did my own sort of nesting as I worked on curtains for Oliver's nursery and made another dinner in a pumpkin.
I've already done the annual changing of the clothes from summer to winter. Oh to have a closet big enough to hold more than one season! Better yet, how about one of those closets that rotate? I'll add that to my dream house list of "must haves!"
What do you do to prepare for winter?