This morning I'd like to share with you what living in a fog is like. It seems appropriate that for the past few days the weather in Kansas has been as foggy as my brain feels this morning. In fibromyalgia circles they call this "brain fog", I just call it a pain in the pattuty! Here's what our scenery looks like from my front porch:
Imagine that same fog being in your brain and not being able to think straight, just like you can't see the houses across the street. It makes it very difficult to function. Here's a good example.. well I didn't take a picture of it because I was so disgusted with myself, but I cooked a huge crockpot full of applesauce yesterday, turned it off around 8:30 or 9 last night to cool down, then promptly went to bed at 10. Can you guess what got left out on the counter? Yes, you guessed it... a full gallon or more of fresh applesauce!!! I am absolutely brokenhearted about this because it was going to supply that daily fruit requirement for at least a week, plus the added cinnamon would give me that extra boost of it's healing powers. Guess it'll be fresh apples, not a bad thing, just a little harder to digest and not quite as yummy. Maybe I've got another frozen tub or two of apples that I can throw in the crockpot to try again and maybe, just MAYBE this foggy brain will clear up so I can move on with my life with some semblance of normalcy. Until then, just like the little light in front of our house that finally poked its head through the snow, I will continue to work my way through this fog...
Lovely pictures- looks like England right down to the lamp posts :-)