Saturday, September 14, 2013

Happy 100th Birthday Kansas State Fair!

Today I had a wonderful time with Mr H at the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson! We couldn't have asked for more perfect weather and believe it or not, the crowds weren't too bad. Kansas has some incredibly talented 3-H'rs and I wanted to share two of their works of art with you. First is an awesome blue ribbon cake celebrating the event.
The quilt below I have decided is my soulmate. Have you ever seen anything that just takes your breath away? Well this quilt is one of those things that just reached out to me in a very unexpected way and I couldn't stop staring at it and ooohing and ahhhhing over the intricate details of small bits of fabric so lovingly sewed together, much of it appliqued by hand. Then to see the incredible machine quilting in every section was beyond my understanding. The colors are so bright, crisp and cheerful that it really spoke to me and made my heart go pitter patter. Yes folks, I'm in love with a quilt! So where's the preacher? Marry me today!!! Just kidding, but I must say that I wouldn't mind sharing my bed with this lovely thing! So what will I do? Try to copy it? No way Jose! Try to create some greeting cards based on the colors and designs? You betcha! Gotta wait until I get home though and that's not till tomorrow, so stay tuned!


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